2 new user behaviors found when using generative AI for text: Accordion Editing & Apple-Picking | Slash your digital prose by half | Pronominal dilemma: Should UX writing refer to the user in the first or second person? | Design for existing data and legacy system integration | The cognitive toll of screen exposure in early childhood — most detrimental at age one, less so at age two (but no TV during dinner!)
I find myself Apple picking all the time in my discussion with chatGPT. With that also found an issue, scrolling for those specific lines becomes cumbersome, though a search and find could play the trick. It’s interesting that came out of this research of main finding. This was my main findinf and usability problem. So how can Apple picking become a much usable thing to do or through UI changes to remove this way of accessing old content on my conversation?
Going back to long conversation with chatGPT. I managed to have a system where I tag some ideas, phrases and I let know chatGPT that this is a tag (note, reminder) that doesn’t need to give an answer but it needs to retrieve those tags when I ask for that. Based on that I have longer conversations, with “reminders” and then I aske it to retrieve the list. I use this in my tutoring sessions on javascript where we go over many topics.
I find myself Apple picking all the time in my discussion with chatGPT. With that also found an issue, scrolling for those specific lines becomes cumbersome, though a search and find could play the trick. It’s interesting that came out of this research of main finding. This was my main findinf and usability problem. So how can Apple picking become a much usable thing to do or through UI changes to remove this way of accessing old content on my conversation?
Going back to long conversation with chatGPT. I managed to have a system where I tag some ideas, phrases and I let know chatGPT that this is a tag (note, reminder) that doesn’t need to give an answer but it needs to retrieve those tags when I ask for that. Based on that I have longer conversations, with “reminders” and then I aske it to retrieve the list. I use this in my tutoring sessions on javascript where we go over many topics.
This is a good workaround. Thank you for the tip. But of course, users shouldn’t have to do such extra work.