Jakob, Is this your real viewpoint or did AI write most of this? This doesn't sound like you: "After all, company profits are the goal of all design and what funds your UX department."?

I'm surprised to hear you use words like "meatspace bigot"-- that also doesn't sound like you. Interesting!

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Based on the article, I'm SURE that AI must have helped in the generation of it, or Jakob's not practicing what he's preaching.

But in so doing, is Jakob losing his voice? Food for thought.

AI: "Proceed with caution."

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Nice article, and I didn't read the whole thing yet but what I tend to think is more important is demonstrating yourself to be a designer who is superior to your AI counterpart, ie can an AI designer do what you do or is there a quality you bring to your work that AI would be unable to accomplish. We're not quite there yet, but this is what I'm thinking of. Not, who on my team can use AI tools effectively but who would be impossible to replace with AI. I think tools will become more and more easy to use, and we may find ourselves in roles along w AI designers that are like virtual assistants. Or maybe we'll have a world full of "AI Symbiants." I'm not sure. I don't really like this idea. Basically what makes you more valuable than a computer program?

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Speaking of dinosaurs, remember this Microsoft Office campaign? https://www.chrisbuck.com/microsoft-dinosaurs

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